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Nigerian Singer Poses Unclad To Make A Public Statement

Posted by George on Fri 08th Jun, 2018 - tori.ng

In this age of of cyber bullying orchestrated by bitter people in the Nigerian social media space, a budding star from the Southern part of Nigeria is taking frantic steps to stop the menace.

Belly dancer, model, and singer Korra Obidi who is based in Lagos State where she plies trade shocked her over 120,000 followers with a stark Unclad photo of herself standing on her toes, wearing a dancer's shoes, boxer's glooves and a red cap.
According to her, she was advocating against the issue of cyber bullying which is causing depression among public personalities.
"Stop cyber bullying.
Celebrities have feelings too.
Depression is real
Be kind to your fellow man.
Photography: @rezebonna 
#TGIF #KORRAMOMENTS #art" she captioned the x-rated photo which couldn't be posted on Tori News due to its explicit nature.
Several fans have applauded the chocolate-skinned girl for her courage while others have frowned at her action which they believed is uncalled for. She has also been accused of seeking cheap popularity for the sake of giving oxygen to her career.
The picture was still on her Instagram page as at the time of filing this report.

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