A man and his wife who got trapped on a deserted island, have finally escaped after employing desperate measures.
They were trapped on this island and wrote help on the sand
A shipwrecked couple stranded on a deserted island were saved after scrawling a massive help sign in the sand.
The hapless pair were stranded among the Percy Islands off the coast of Queensland, Australia, during an ill-fated fishing trip.
At around 1am on Tuesday a freak storm overwhelmed their dinghy as five-metre high waves rained down upon them, sending them flying into rocks.
The couple dragged themselves out of the water and onto the beach, where they were forced to spend the night.
They scrawled a giant 'HELP' sign on the beach and in the morning they set off their emergency beacon.

Rescue air crewman Quinton Rethus said the helicopter crew was about 20km from the island when they picked up the distress signal and were able to pinpoint the exact location of the beacon thanks to their handmade SOS plea.
The couple were airlifted to safety after spending a total of eight terrifying hours on Ahe Island, 100km south of Mackay.
Writing on Facebook, the rescue team said: "RACQ CQ Rescue today airlifted two unlucky boaties who spent a very wet and uncomfortable night camped on a remote beach after their boat smashed into rocks in a freak storm."
"RACQ CQ Rescue was tasked just after 10am Wednesday to search for an emergency beacon that had been activated in the vicinity of Avoid Island.
"Our crew found the very relieved couple waving from the beach and could clearly see where they had written ‘HELP’ in huge letters in the sand."
Pictures posted to the team's Twitter account clearly show the couple's devastated dinghy and their plea for help scrawled along the beach.
Source: The Sun UK