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Its Over! Nigerian-born U.S Basketballer, Serge Ibaka & Singer, Keri Hilson Break-up!

Posted by Odinaka on Thu 27th Aug, 2015 -

A breaking news from MTO has stated that Nigerian US-Based Basketball player, Serge Ibaka and his superstar girlfriend, Keri Hilson have parted ways.

Serge Jonas Ibaka - a U.S based professional basketball player who currently plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder, has reportedly dumped his girlfriend, American singer, Keri Hilson. The singer who was on the news few months ago after she posted a video of her preparing 'Akpu' for her Nigerian boyfriend is currently in pains over the break-up.

Below is how popular U.S gossip website exclusively reported the story;
"Here is a little bit of TEA that we got from a celebrity insider:

Serge and Keri Hilson aren't together anymore. She wants to get married and start a family but Serge isn't ready. He complains about her neediness and clinginess. She tries too hard to please him and his family but they are just not into her, she even speaks their language, cooks their food but he is a traditional man and his family wants him to marry an all born and raised partially African girl plus they say she is too old for him.

She has been trying to get pregnant and it isn't working. Poor thing,everyone on her camp has told her to let go but she has hopes and is hanging on, he is famous and rich and she isn't getting any better offers or men better than serge. She loves the celebrity life and the status of dating a celebrity. smh it's sad plus he is a man whore he is currently in LA and keeps a flock of women.

Dating her from day one was a thing him and all team mates were doing - trying to date celebrities remember James Harden and Trina? Kevin Durant and Latoya? it was like a bet type thing who's gonna have the most famous chick.

Serge even went on a date with Khloe kardashian before James harden snatched her.

Keri . . . if it's like THIS . . . you're better off without him!!"

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