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Unbelievable: See the Married Drama Teacher Who Had S*x With a Female Pupil In Her Hotel Room (Photo)

Posted by Samuel on Wed 09th Aug, 2017 - tori.ng

A married school teacher has been busted after she reportedly had lesbian s*x with her own student inside her hotel room.

Blonde Sarah Barton
Blonde Sarah Barton is a married drama teacher who has been banned from the classroom after having s*x with a female pupil during a trip to see West End musical Matilda.
According to The Sun UK, Blonde Sarah Barton, 37, also had lesbian romps with the convent school pupil in fields and her car – then later bragged about it to pals.
A misconduct panel heard head of drama Barton befriended the pupil during the 2015/2016 academic year after ringing her about play rehearsals and they started meeting in private.
Their relationship became physical and included kissing in the teacher’s office at school.
Last year Barton ignored pleas from friends and took the girl on a trip to London – booking them into a hotel.
Misconduct panel chairman Mark Tweedle said: “Regardless of who actually organised this trip to Matilda, it took place when your relationship with Pupil A had been developing for some time.

“This was clearly inappropriate. Witness 1 states that you had told her that you had had sex with Pupil A in your car and in fields.”
The National College for Teaching and Leadership panel, sitting in Coventry, heard the girl’s parents allowed her to travel in the adult’s car.
They also hosted the teacher at a family birthday party. When recommending the ban, Mr Tweedle said the teacher planned the affair.
He said: “There were numerous opportunities for the relationship to be terminated by her.

“This was a s*xually motivated relationship that continued despite warnings from her colleagues. It was not a one-off spontaneous event.”
Barton, who worked at the unnamed Essex school from September 2007 to July last year, was banned from the classroom for life after admitting 12 allegations of misconduct.
But the ban includes the provision that Barton can seek to have it lifted after five years if she can prove to a National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) panel she is fit to return to the classroom.
The panel said from the testimony of a male colleague they had no doubt that Barton had been an “exceptionally well-respected member of staff”.
An NSPCC spokesman said: “As a teacher, Barton was trusted by pupils, parents, her school and the local community to put pupils’ welfare first. Instead she abused their trust for her own sexual gratification.

“Teachers play a vital role in safeguarding and it is therefore right that she is banned from a profession which would have seen her working in close proximity and having contact with children on a daily basis.”

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