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Water of Death! Local River Mysteriously Kills Villagers (Photo)

Posted by Samuel on Mon 05th Dec, 2016 - tori.ng

Villagers have cried out for help after their local stream began mysteriously taking lives at random in their community.

Police search and rescue members carry the pastor’s body from the river. Photo by IPSS Medical Rescue Services 
The residents of Ezimbokodweni, north of Durban, South Africa, have raised alarm over the cases of deaths being recorded in their area.
The villagers have said the local river has ended up taking many lives and now they fear there will be more deaths.
According to Daily Sun SA, the latest tragedy occurred on Saturday when Pastor Sandile Zulu (36) of Christ Ambassadors in Zion Christian Church disappeared under the water while cleansing a church member of his bad luck.
The pastor’s brother, Vusumuzi Zulu, 39, said Sandile left his home in Q section in the morning to go to the river.
“We later got a call from a church member saying Sandile was having difficulty in the water.”
Vusumuzi said his brother had been behaving strangely recently and he believed he might have known he was going to die.
“At his last sermon he asked the congregation to buy him gifts for his birthday but he said he wasn’t sure if he would see the day.”
Vusumuzi said before Sandile drowned he took a picture of the river and posted it on his Facebook page.
Vusumuzi said it was very sad to think his brother would be buried on his birthday.
Sandile’s death came just three months after Mnotho (8) and Nkosikhona Dlamini (10) were taken by the same river. Thokozani Cele (42), who lives near the river, told Daily Sun it had claimed four lives this year.
“These incidents are quite worrying. Kids and adults die while swimming, crossing the river or conducting ceremonies. An inspection needs to be conducted. There are probably dangerous snakes in the river.”
KZN police spokeswoman Captain Nqobile Gwala said an inquest docket was being investigated by Umlazi police.

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