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America's Youngest Convicted Murderer, Jailed at 12 Is Set To Be Released At Age 29

Posted by Lolade on Mon 20th Jul, 2015 - tori.ng

America's youngest convicted murderer, Curtis Fairchild Jones, will be released from prison for the first time since he was 12 years old in less than two weeks.

The youngest convicted murderer in the United States,  Curtis Fairchild Jones, will walk free from prison for the first time since he was 12 years old in less than two weeks.
Curtis and his sister Catherine admitted to killing their father's girlfriend, Sonya Nicole Speights, in 1999, when they were just 12 and 13 years old respectively.
Although it was initially believed that they killed the lady over jealousy of their father's love, it was later revealed that the siblings planned to kill their father and a male relative living with them in their Port St John, Florida, home, whom they claimed was sexually abusing them.
When they realized their cries for help were not being answered, they organized the plan to kill all three. 
Curtis Fairchild Jones
The siblings, now aged 29 and 30, became the youngest children in the country's history to be tried as adults for first-degree murder. 
They pleaded to second-degree murder and were sentenced to 18 years in prison followed by a lifetime of probation.
Curtis, who has not spoken publicly about his release, will leave prison in two weeks as an ordained minster and will be able to live on his own for the first time. 
Catherine Jones
His sister Catherine, who found love and marriage via a pen pal while incarcerated, is expected to be released sometime in July.

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