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Terrifying! Huge Python Tries to Strangle Deer and This Happened (Watch Video)

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 05th Sep, 2016 -

This is the shocking moment a great miracle happened in the life of a deer being strangled to death by a huge python.

The deer being strangled to death before it was rescued
A deer has escaped death by the whiskers after a hunter stumbled on a huge python trying to strangle it to death. 
According to a report by Naples Daily News, Miami hunter Jimmy Wilson was hiking through the swampy woods near Ochopee in rural Collier County this summer when he came upon an amazing sight.
A huge python, a non-native invasive species overrunning the Everglades, had wrapped itself around a white-tailed deer. Both were lying still at his feet as walked up, capturing the scene on cell phone video.
The video shows the moment the hunter fired several shots as the snake tries to escape. However, he is said to have killed the snake and rescued the deer from death.
David Chambers, 33, of Kendall, who said his mother is friends with Wilson, said he got the video from Wilson at a barbecue in Ochopee a couple weeks ago. Wilson shot the video a few months ago, Chambers said.
"It's one of a kind, it's unique, it's fascinating," Chambers said.
Watch video below:

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