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Omg! This Girl's Tongue is So Long, She Can Touch Her Nose with It (Photos+Video)

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 01st Aug, 2016 - tori.ng

You won't believe the kind of thing this girl's tongue can do. The reptile-like tongue is so long she can touch her nose with it.

Adrianne Lewis, from Michigan
Meet the 19-year-old lady with probably the longest female tongue in the world.
According to Dailymail, Adrianne Lewis, from Michigan, says her tongue is an unbelievable four inches long, giving her the unique ability to not only lick her nose, chin and elbow but also - shockingly - her eye. 
Her long reptile-like tongue has gained her global recognition. But, she might one day enter the Guinness World Records as having the longest tongue in the world. The current record holder Nick Stoeberl, whose tongue reaches just 3.9 inches is yet to find a worthy challenger.  
Adrianne said: 'I feel as though I may have inherited it but I think with time and me sticking out my tongue a lot as a kid could have stretched it.
'My mum, grandmother and my great grandfather all had very long tongues."
Most people are unable to touch their noses with their tongues, but that trick is child's play for Gerkary Bracho. Her tongue is long enough to touch her elbow, ear and eyelids.

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