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Trouble in Paradise? HKN Singer, Davido Accusing Someone of Stealing His Money

Posted by Odinaka on Fri 20th May, 2016 - tori.ng

From all indications, international superstar singer, Davido may be having internal issues with his gang, as he as accused someone of stealing from him.

HKN Gang boss, Davido, yesterday, took to his Snapchat to reveal that a yet-to-be-identified person (probably from his camp) are beginning to steal his money.
"Oh lord, keep me calm," Davido wrote on Snapchat, adding, "they [are] stealing my money now," Davido wrote on Snapchat.
However, the 'Aye' crooner did not name names. This comes as a surprise especially because the singer never fails in plunging incredulous amount of money just to buy lavish gifts for his team. 
Recall that after he bagged the N100 million-Pepsi deal in April, he revealed he went diamond shopping for each member of his team, and this was weeks after he had gifted each person a Rolex Presidential wristwatches, valuing at least $8,000 each.
So who will be stealing from Davido? Knowing how he outed one of his cousins for being jealous of Mayorkun, we guess it won’t be long before he spills it all.

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