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A Wife Who Was Financially Neglected When The Husband Had The Means Is Unlikely To Be There For Him When He Needs Her - Nigerian Man Says

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 24th Mar, 2025 - tori.ng

Giwa advised men to invest in their wives and watch them grow so they can be there for them in their trying times.


A Nigerian marriage therapist, Shamsedeen Giwa, has opined that a woman who was financially neglected by her husband who had the means will not be there for him when he needs her.

He stated that it gets worse if the man prefers to spend his money on girls and other vices instead of providing for his wife.

Giwa advised men to invest in their wives and watch them grow so they can be there for them in their trying times.

“She would be called names; selfish, stingy, arrogant and the likes but a wife who was financially neglected when the husband had the means is unlikely to be there for the man when he needs her,” he wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday.
"It gets even worse when the reason he didn’t take care of her was because he was spending on girls and vices.
“Beyond that, it’s also important to know that only a wife you invest in and help grow, can be there for you when you need.”



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