The Libyan Department for Combating Illegal Migration (DCIM) has detained 54 individuals of various nationalities, including Nigerians, Chadians, Ethiopians, and Somalians.
The Migrant Rescue Watch disclosed the development, noting that the detainees would be transferred to the Brak Al-Shati Immigration Detention Center as part of preparations for their eventual repatriation.
The detained individuals include women and men seeking to cross into Europe through the perilous Mediterranean route.
Libya has long been a key transit point for migrants seeking to cross into Europe via the Mediterranean.
According to Migrant Rescue Watch, "DCIM transferred 54 #migrants incl. women of Chadian, Ethiopian, Nigerian and Somali nationalities from Al-Jufra IDC to Brak Al-Shati Immigration Detention Center in preparation of repatriation."