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VeryDarkMan Reacts After Court Ordered Him To Delete Defamatory Videos Against Femi Falana And His Son, Falz

Posted by Amarachi on Wed 16th Oct, 2024 - tori.ng

He chewed gum loudly, hissing at the camera before blowing the gum out, a gesture that many interpret as a show of defiance and disdain toward the court ruling.


Controversial social media activist, Martins Otse aka VeryDarkMan (VDM), has reacted after a court ordered him to delete the defamatory videos against revered human rights lawyer, Femi Falana (SAN) and his musician son, Falz.

The ruling was given after VDM's allegations against the Falana family were deemed defamatory, causing significant public outrage.

 In the video, which has quickly gained attention across social media platforms, VDM appeared unconcerned by the legal consequences.

He chewed gum loudly, hissing at the camera before blowing the gum out, a gesture that many interpret as a show of defiance and disdain toward the court ruling.

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