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Update: I Was Paid ₦50,000 To Supply Ammunition To Bandits – Woman Confesses

Posted by Amarachi on Fri 28th Jun, 2024 -

Aisha denied knowing the contents of the fertilizer bag back given to her, saying she never opened it.

Aisha Abubakar

The lady, Aisha Abubakar, who was arrested for delivering ammunition to bandits in Katsina State has revealed that she receives N50,000 per trip.

The 25-year-old lady from Kubwa, Abuja, was arrested by the Kaduna State Police Command along the Zaria-Kaduna highway on her way to Katsina State on 23 June 2024.

Speaking with journalists at the Police Command headquarters, where she was paraded alongside other suspected criminals on Thursday, Aisha denied knowing the contents of the fertilizer bag back given to her, saying she never opened it.

She said, “I was arrested by the police with ammunition. It was Wawo that first brought a bag of fertilizer to give to a commercial driver to take it to Katsina. The second trip I went there myself and delivered the item but I was arrested on my third trip to Dan Musa. I was paid N50,000 per trip.”

The police commissioner, Ali Audu Dabigi, said the suspect was arrested with 550 rounds of AK47 live ammunition, which she had collected from a man named Muhammad (surname unknown) from Loko, Nassarawa State.

According to Dabigi, Aisha also mentioned two other suspects who had given her the items, and they had already been arrested in Abuja by the police.

He added that investigations were ongoing.

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