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Regina Daniels Organizes Games With Co-wives And Children (Video)

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 20th May, 2024 - tori.ng

In the video, Regina Daniels organized a ball-in-bowl game and other activities which she grouped her and her co-wife’s kids to partake.

Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels Nwoko has arraigned fun games with her husband’s children, their nannies, and her co-wives.
She took to her Instagram page to share the adorable video.
In the video, Regina Daniels organized a ball-in-bowl game and other activities which she grouped her and her co-wife’s kids to partake.
The family’s nannies had a chance to play in the games too and everyone was rewarded with cash gifts.
Regina’s co-wife, Laila Charani was spotted too in the video, having fun with the kids even though she did not partake in the games.
“A beautiful time was had with the kids and their Nannies ❤️🤗,” she captioned the video.
The video has since generated herat-warming reactions from social media users who lauded the mother of two for uniting her family despite being in a polygamous home.
Reactions as Regina Daniels organizes games with co-wife, family, nannies
kellylucy04 said: “Regina make polygamy looks so fun and peaceful.”
greatful_ama penned: “Beautiful, Regina is a well raised child. She’s a special woman😍.”
everytin_nma stated: “So young yet so matured,yet paired with so much wisdom and beauty..you are definitely a great mother ❤️.”
fakewarripikin_bighead wrote: “So beautiful to watch, giving happiness vibe😍.”
official_queen_jennifer opined: “Polygamous marriages is better when the wives lives differently 😍❤️.”
calyzealedibles said: “I watched more 4 times nnem you’re so amazing. Keep it up.”
uju_jessica11 noted: “See billionaire’s wife playing with kids and her nannies but you that both of you and your husband no worth 100k dey maltreat your help…”
ddveraj_spa added: “What’s this🙄, I’m glad I watched it with sooooo much excitement and idea to try with family 💫”
Watch the video below 

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