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Lady Shares Her Bleaching Journey And How She Made The Tough Decision To Stop (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 06th Feb, 2024 - tori.ng

She admits now that her life is better with her natural skin colour and her skin is healthier which inspires her confidence to take pictures without a filter, something she couldn’t do before.


A Nigerian woman who used to bleach her skin has taken to TikTok to share her journey and how she decided to stop the habit  to achieve a healthy skin.

According to her, she had started bleaching in 2023 and it was such a struggle for her to end it.

She revealed her face was very white, her knuckles were darker and she realized she had to stop.

The young lady explained how getting back to her natural color was the hardest part because at first, she got very dark and a lot of people started asking if something was wrong with her.

She admits now that her life is better with her natural skin colour and her skin is healthier which inspires her confidence to take pictures without a filter, something she couldn’t do before.

Now, she is an ambassador against skin bleaching and dedicates her page to other women who are having difficulties stopping.

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