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VeryDarkMan Mocks Tonto Dikeh As He Celebrates His Release

Posted by Thandiubani on Thu 11th Jan, 2024 - tori.ng

Before his release, Tonto Dikeh had mocked the beauty critic and his lawyer.

Controversial human rights activist, VeryDarkMan has mocked actress Tonto Dikeh in a video he shared online.
This followed his release by the police on Wednesday.
Recall that Tonto had revealed that he was the one behind a petition written against VDM.
She also mocked VDM and his lawyer by sharing a photo of them at the police station.
Following his release, VDM took to his page to mock the actress.
He wrote:
“Can you catch smoke? Google the RATEL and come back…..Aluta continua.”
Watch the video below:

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