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360 SUVs: Senators, House of Reps Biggest Threat to Nigeria’s Democracy – Ezekwesili

Posted by Thandiubani on Tue 17th Oct, 2023 -

Ezekwesili made the remark while reacting to the proposed purchase of 360 Toyota SUVs for lawmakers.

A former Education Minister, Oby Ezekwesili, has lambasted members of the National Assembly.
She described them as the biggest threat to Nigeria’s democracy.
Ezekwesili made the remark while reacting to the proposed purchase of 360 Toyota SUVs for lawmakers.
Posting on X, the former minister warned that Nigerians will soon chase senators and House of Representatives members away due to their serial bad behaviour.
Ezekwesili said: “So that vexing news turned out to be accurate.

“I read the extremely ludicrous and duplicitous statement released by the Spokesman of the @HouseNGR on their insensitive purchase of 360 Toyota SUVs for themselves.

“You all had the audacity to spend scarce public resources in luxury cars at a time majority of their citizens cannot feed, transport themselves, pay school fees and hospital bills due to cost of living crisis?

“At this stage, it is evident you want to continue with your serial bad behaviour.

“Since not even 1 of you fellows @nassnigeria @HouseNGR @NGRSenate saw the heartlessness of that decision to buy 360 new Toyota SUVs for yourselves at this time of severe economic distress of the citizens and country, please know that you all are the biggest threat to our Democracy.

“Just know that a day cometh and very soon too, when it would be your fed-up Nigerian Citizens and not the Military that will rise up and collectively chase all of you grossly irresponsible and insensitive people out of office. And very soon too.”

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