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Shoulder 50% Responsibilities If You Want Your Husband To Cook - Seun Osewa Warns Women

Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 12th Apr, 2023 -

Advising the couple in a tweet on Wednesday, Osewa said when there is an equal contribution to the family income, the man will find it easy to accept home duties.

Nairaland Founder, Seun Osewa has urged women who want their husbands to cook, to make sure they shoulder 50 percent of family responsibility.
He stated this in a Twitter post and wrote, “This Nairalander’s marriage is stuck between two paradigms. As a traditional husband, he pays most of the family expenses. He expects his wife to do her traditional duties like cooking, but she’s a working woman who makes 800k per month so she’s not motivated to do them

“My solution is restructuring. The woman must pay her fair share of family expenses since she’s working. Both spouses will contribute the same percentage of their income to the family account. With that, it will be easy for the man to accept cooking, etc as privileges, not rights.

“If he wants her to cook, he will have to do something to earn it. If he wants enthusiasm in the other room, he must generate it. He will no longer feel that because he has done his duty as a husband, she owes him these things. His extra money from ‘restructuring’ will be useful.”
See his tweet below:

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