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LASG Commences Demolition Of Partially Collapsed Building In Surulere

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 26th Oct, 2021 -

The Agency in a statement said it has deployed its Cobra Squad to demolish the building to prevent further damage.


The building

The two-storey building which partially collapsed in Aguda area of Surulere has now been fully demolished by the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency, LASEMA.

The Agency in a statement said it has deployed its Cobra Squad at Onipanu to No 4 Kola John Street off Fehintola Giwa Street, Aguda Surulere, where the building partially collapsed at the back on Sunday night, 24th October, 2021, thereby making it unsafe for residents.

"Fortunately, no casualty was involved in the incident. The Agency's Response Team alongside LASBCA, LNSC and Lagos State Task Force were responders at the incident scene," the statement read.

"The occupants were advised to move their properties out of the building so as to avert a disaster that could result to loss of lives.

"Thereafter, the Agency's heavy-duty equipment, Excavator, commenced demolition of the building. Operations still ongoing."



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