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Teen With Stomach Pain Discovers Unborn Twin Grew Inside Him for 18 years (Graphic Photos)

Posted by Thandiubani on Fri 15th Jan, 2016 - tori.ng

Doctors have shocked a man with a horrifying revelation after discovering that a parasitic twin has been growing in his stomach for the past 18 years.

Narendra Kumar
A teenager has received the shock of his life after chronic stomach pains led to his discovering a parasitic twin growing inside of him having complete hair, bones and teeth. The man named Narendra Kumar, 18, was rushed to hospital after he began vomiting, as well as suffering from weight loss and pain when the horrifying discovery was made.
Doctors were shocked to discover that a 2.5kg mass of bone, hair and teeth had formed an umbilical cord-like formation inside the young man’s abdomen.
Narendra was diagnosed with ‘foetus in foetus’ - a rare condition which develops during pregnancy with twins – where one foetus enters the other through the umbilical cord, and ends up living there as a parasite.
Narendra had this unborn twin growing in his stomach since the day he was born
Doctors at the Swaroop Narayan Hospital in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, told shocked Narendra the parasite had lived and grown inside his body since he was born. Dr Rajeev Singh told MailOnline that surgeons only discovered the ‘twin’ when they operated on Narendra last Monday.
He added: “Technically, the foetus was alive and was growing due to metabolic activity in his body,

“In the three-hour-long surgery, we removed a mass of malformed baby which had hair, teeth, a poorly developed head, a bony structure of chest and spine, with lots of yellowish amniotic-like fluid in the sac.”

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