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Shocking Moment Soldier Shoots Unarmed Abuja Civilian In Broad Daylight (Video)

Posted by Thandiubani on Thu 29th Oct, 2020 - tori.ng

A Nigerian soldier has been caught on tape shooting at unarmed innocent civilians.

Soldier shoots at civilians in Abuja
Soldier shoots at civilians in Abuja
A video has shown the moment a Nigerian soldier opened fire on civilians in Abuja.
According to the video posted by Punch, the incident happened in broad daylight in Abuja.
The sad incident is coming up at the time the Nigerian government is yet to fully unravel the massacre that happened at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos State, Tuesday 20.
Despite video pieces of evidence, the Nigerian military had denied involvement in the Lekki killing which was condemned locally and internationally.
In this new video now making the rounds, a Nigerian soldier fired shots at an unarmed Abuja resident. 
Watch below the recent Abuja shooting as shared by Punch on Wednesday evening;

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