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Miracle As Man Comes Back To Life While Being Carried To Mortuary

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 25th Mar, 2019 - tori.ng

A man who reportedly died and was being taken to the morgue has shocked many people after he came back to life.

Joao Araujo
Medical Professionals were left dumbfounded when a postman who had ‘died’ of cardiac arrest came back to life as he was being wheeled to the morgue.
Joao Araujo, 48, bent over at the wheel while taking his wife to work, and after six hours of trying to bring him back, doctors told his family he’d died. But, as nurses were wheeling him from intensive care to the morgue, they noticed he was moving and tests revealed circulation had spontaneously returned to Mr Araujo’s heart.
Araujo was able to return to work there weeks after the incident.
A group of medics said there was no exact explanation for what happened to him.
Araujo is known as the ‘Miracle Man’ on the cardiac ward at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital where he resurrected 10 years ago.
Sharing his story 10 years on, Araujo, from Linden, Gloucester, said:

"It changed me. I give more value to all the things every day. Every single day.

"I say thank you that I am alive, I say thank you that I have a job.

"I give more value to my family and my friends.

"When I was at the hospital they had no explanation for my problem so people started calling me the ‘Miracle Man’.

"Unlike everything else in the body below the eyes, they said that the brain is a mystery, it’s like a Pandora’s Box.

"They did not have the knowledge to know the reason behind what happened. Doctors can’t believe I am alive without any damage in my heart, brain or body."
Araujo visits the cardiology ward every six months for a check-up and is still known by staff as the ‘Miracle Man’.

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