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Meet The Strange Little Boy Who Has 'Once Died Before' And Keeps Talking About Dead People (Photos)

Posted by Samuel on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 -

A strange little baby boy has been said to be in the habit of always talking about the dead, explaining that he had died before.

Four-year-old Charlie Betty has channelled the dead ever since he could talk, his mum Megan claims
A four-year-old UK boy has been able to channel the dead from the moment he could talk, his mother claims.
Charlie Betty regularly refers to grizzly events from his past lives - leaving mum Megan astonished.
They include the tot's claim that he once choked to death and that a previous father of his drowned.
Megan, from Bridgwater, Somerset, said: "He is always talking about his past lives, all the time.

“He uses old-fashioned names and talks about when he died.

"It's very strange as he is only four. He has always talked about these things since he could talk but it has increased over the last year or so.
"He won't say it if you ask him about it, but he just talks about it when he wants to talk about it.

"Once when I warned him to eat something carefully as he could choke, he said 'oh, I choked when I was a baby'.

"I asked him what happened and he said 'I died and I was gone forever and my mother was very sad'.

“It's strange the way he talks for a four-year-old. He's been talking about his 'father' since he was two.”
Charlie Betty regularly refers to grizzly events from his past lives – leaving mum Megan astonished
She added: "At school, his teacher got in touch to say he had been talking about his father drowning. I had to explain that his dad was fine."
Mum-of-four Megan has shared a photo showing a beam of light singling out Charlie among his siblings  Imogen, seven, George, three, and three-month-old Millie.
She wonders if it could be a sign of his past lives.
Megan said: "He's always been a little bit different, which is why I thought the picture was more than just a trick of the light.
"It could be nothing but it would be nice to know what it is. I don't really know what the explanation could be.

"The light in the picture could be the sun, but it is funny how it is just on him and it is wrapped round his face as well.

"I'm not one to say that it is definitely something. It's just with all the things that Charlie has said that makes me wonder if there is something else in it.
"It's a really nice picture either way, even if there is a normal explanation for it."
Mum Megan has said this apparent shaft of light illuminating Ben could be a sign of his past lives
Paranormal investigator Julie Cockroft commented: "It's a very interesting case. Based on what he is saying, I do believe he is talking about a past life.

"Children don't tend to lie when they are this young, especially when there appears no motive, like in this case.”
Source: The Sun UK
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