An insider has made revelation of plans by the terrorist group, Islamic State to carry out the largest religious cleansing in history, claiming the lives of millions.
German journalist, Jurgen Todenhofer, after spending ten days embedded with Islamic State, revealed Shocking claims of "the largest religious cleansing in history.", UK Mirror reveals.
Islamic State monsters are plotting to unleash a nuclear holocaust, killing millions of innocent people in "the largest religious cleansing in history", an insider has claimed.
German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer spent ten chilling days with the terrorists, managing to escape alive.
Todenhofer, a 75-year-old former MP of Angela Merkel's CDU party, turned away from politics to begin a career in war reporting in 2000.
He managed to survive on the frontline in Syria, spending more than a week with vile killer Mohammed Emwazi, known as 'Jihadi John', and his twisted entourage.
And now Todenhofer, in his new book "Inside IS - Ten Days In The Islamic State", the former politician tells of how the Islamic terrorists plan to kill millions.
Alamy StockJurgen TodenhoferJurgen Todenhofer: The former politician spent ten days with the terror group.
"The west is drastically underestimating the power of ISIS," he said, before warning of a plot to launch "the largest religious cleansing in history" using a "nuclear tsunami".
It has been claimed that he was only given such access to ISIS because he has spoken out against the foreign policy decisions made by world leaders concerning Afghanistan and Iraq.