Nigerian Lady Thrown Off A Building For Allegedly Refusing To Sleep With Her Landlord In Italy (Photos)

Posted by Samuel on Tue 30th Jan, 2018 -

A woman has been reportedly thrown off a building after she allegedly refused to sleep with her own landlord in Italy.

This is Precious, a Nigerian lady who was reportedly assaulted for refusing to sleep with her landlord.
According to Drumbeatnews, the young lady from Delta state accused her landlord (also said to be a Nigerian) of throwing her from a 3-storey building in Florence, Italy because she refused to sleep with him.
According to Precious, on that faithful day, when she returned from work her landlord, Mr Daniel Chukwuka came to her room and demanded for s*x with her but she refused.
While attempting to r*pe her, he realized that she had her phone on record. This reportedly provoked Daniel in beating her and then throwing her from the three storey building.
Although she survived, she is currently in hospital in Florence, Italy, with spinal cord issues and broken legs and waist which she landed with.
Daniel has been arrested and the case in court.
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