Heartbreaking! Mikel Obi Mourns as He Loses His Russian Girlfriend's Father (Photos)

Posted by Odinaka on Wed 25th Jan, 2017 - tori.ng

Russian beauty, Olga Diyachenko, who is the girlfriend of Super Eagles captain, John Obi Mikel has lost her father on Tuesday, January 24 2017.

Mikel, his Russian wife and their twin girls
Super Eagles captain, John Michael Nchekwube Obinna, popularly known as John Obi Mikel, who recently signed for Chinese club, Tianjin TEDA in the Chinese Super League after a big money transfer from Chelsea, is currently in a mourning mood.
According to reports, Mikel Obi's longtime girlfriend and mother to his two daughters, Olga Diyachenko, has lost her father on Tuesday to the cold hands of death.
Mikel, his wifey and his late inlaw
The Russian beauty took to her Instagram page to announce the death of his dad and to mourn him, writing;
"We said our last goodbye to you today daddy you were not just extraordinary as so many said today. You were a legendary man, father, friend, companion, husband and grandpa. Your strong hand is holding my hand for life. I love you My rock, my life, my Dad Rest in Peace monkeypops."
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