Oh We Black Christians, What Is Our Intellection About Heaven?

Posted by Samuel on Wed 30th Nov, 2016 - tori.ng

Following the seeming spread of disinterest among contemporary Christians to help each other and cooperate to succeed, Akinlosoye Adekunle, has in this powerful piece, opined on why Christians must become more conscious of one another and of heaven.

Christians in church
This write up should not be taken with a view of, maybe, I am a racist or someone who discriminates against people based on their skin colours and/or religion.  I actually am also a black, I am a core Nigerian, a Christian and so whatever I mention in this article is for the good of all of us. I do not mean to harm anybody racially, tribally, nationally, emotionally and in every other ...lly (ies) existing under the sun.
We the Black Christians, it is only GOD that can come to our rescue. On so many occasions I have been pushed to take my seat, and begin to cerebrate if there is ever any possibility that we black Christians can be found in large quantity in heaven. This happens, not because I love to subject myself into deep thinking, but because I have taken valuable time to observe we the black Christians; despite our claim of servitude to GOD (if that will rhyme with what I am saying), our black-behaviour still resides in us. This behaviour cannot be unfound in the so-called Ministers of GOD; the same behaviour lives in the core of the heart of each congregant. Anyone that has been lifted by GOD amongst us is always at the risk of being “re-named” or “rebranded” in association with evil. The only thing we are happy to pursue after is how that same person will be made to land crash. May GOD Have mercy on us, we blacks.
I am still in awe and always surprised at the very reason why the black Christians don’t promote their fellow man, why don’t they want the good of others. Evil behaviour and unnecessary envy, those behaviour we should be fighting, had finally thrived amidst us. Yea, the case of the unbelievers can be understood, but what of the so-called believers-the ones with whom JESUS is called? Black Christians, hear me clearly, what is our intellection about heaven?
Why is that we black Christians don’t join forces together to make our fellow man succeed in life? But if a man is as tall as that building “Burj Khalifa” in Dubai, it doesn’t cost us black Christians a dime to bring him down and in less than a second, through our different machinations; defaming words, through fetish means (don’t be surprised), through evil conspiracy and every other weapon of ours that we use. Such man will overcome all these schemes, only if GOD is solidly behind him. It is still we, the black Christians that dance and celebrate when an initially-celebrated man later falls. We take delight in the harm of other people. Black Christians, what is our intellection about heaven?
As part of our evil character, let me refresh our minds with something that happened in Nigeria few years back; a demon-possessed fellow was made manifested and this same guy started to give evil testimonies that he was the one who empowered some mighty men in Christ. He even mentioned some musicians as well. This guy quickly became famous because the major promoters of this man were the Pastors. They were the ones spending huge amount of money to invite him into churches to come and give such testimonies. What is our benefit and joy in that? Is that the gospel of JESUS CHRIST we are meant to be propagating? This is the “tiring phenomenon” I observed. When was it heard among the Muslims that one person just rose up and started talking evil or incriminating their mighty ones and leaders? If not for anything else, I trust them in this one as the accuser will not have achieved any result before he will begin to regret such action. We the black Christians are just very insensitive towards heaven.
Let me say this is an orchestration of the devil (as it is usually said). If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Can I ask us one question? What is our problem? Why do we treat ourselves as grave enemies? Why has true love gotten lost in our community? Should this be also termed as one of the devil’s arithmetic or one of the many end-time plagues? How many Pastors can join forces together today to intercede for a fallen fellow – so that he can be restored? But rather than for us to do that, we enjoy crucifying such person, we are pleased with mockery slanders against him. His fall will be considered as a selling sermon topics in churches. Now, look at this one, if a church is being faced with heavy storm from the devil himself, vigorously shaking them like they should perish, we often resort to not calling on GOD on their behalf to silence the storm, but we rather become professional-religious judges, judging them anyhow we deem fit. At the end of it all, we crucify them to a very heavy cross.
We black Christians better wake up before it’s too late. I am not asking you to wake up for me, but for heaven. “Iron sharpeneth iron”, sayeth the Holy Bible. Any mortal man that says he is so complete and perfect before GOD, please without any further delay, echo it unto his hearing that he is absolutely deceiving himself. If you come across any man who is heaven-conscious, the only thing he will be seeking after, on daily basis, is GOD’s grace. If you think I am lying, as Christians, can we still remember that Judas Iscariot was once useful to GOD? If there was anyone that would not get into the Promised Land, should it be someone like Moses? If not for grace, what do you think would have become of Simon Peter? If you think you are perfect, should somebody like John the Baptist be the one to send people to go and make enquiry from JESUS if he was actually the Messiah or not? My brothers, you need not to blame all of them, it was because they were faced with some situations bigger, in fact, greater and weightier than them.
All children and messengers of GOD, both men and women, let us always get each other’s back – in prayer, in love, in unity and in mission (Acts 1:8). My prayer for every one of us (black Christians) is that “may our entrance into the Kingdom of heaven, which we are all seeking after, not be an abomination”…..AMEN.
JEHOVAH bless you all…Amen
Written by: Akinlosoye, A. Adekunle
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