See What a Policewoman Was Seen Doing in the Rain Recently in Ibadan (Photos)

Posted by Samuel on Mon 01st Aug, 2016 -

A policewoman has been caught on camera doing something considered quite incredible in the traffic in Ibadan.

This is the moment a female police officer was spotted in the rain directing traffic not minding the fact that she was drenched in the proces.
The story was shared by a Facebook user, Daniel Odofin, who also shared the pictures online.
According to him, the police woman was spotted in Oyo state and that she was controlling traffic in the rain.
He said she was drenched in the process but she still kept doing her job no matter what.
Below is how he told the story:
"Today I saw a police woman in the rain, drenched and still doing her duty. Actively doing her job, despite the rain. Not running for shelter even though no one would blame her if she did. This is the kind of person that lifts the image of the Nigerian Police Force.
"Her name is Maryam, I didn't get her last name properly or her rank. Her devotion to duty made the difference in a place synonymous with traffic gridlock on a day that isn't comfortable.
"She doesn't have the kind of salary or allowance that our public officials boast of but she gives meaning to the title "Civil Servant".
"Help us make Maryam Opep famous, help us show others what devotion to duty is. Please share."
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