BREAKING: Senate Blames Borno Suicide Bombing On Failure Of Intelligence

Posted by Samuel on Wed 03rd Jul, 2024 -

Ndume in his lead debate identified Mandara Mountains, Sambisa Forest and the Lake Chad region as the remaining terrorists’ havens.

On Wednesday, July 3, the Nigerian Senate, blamed the recent suicide bombings in Gwoza town in Borno state on failure of intelligence on the part of security forces.

Senate president, Godswill Akpabio disclosed this in his contribution to the debate on a motion on the incident sponsored by the chief whip of the Senate, Mohammed Ali Ndume, during plenary.

Ndume in his lead debate identified Mandara Mountains, Sambisa Forest and the Lake Chad region as the remaining terrorists’ havens.

The Senate in its resolutions urged the Federal Government to direct the military to re-think its conventional strategies in fighting insurgency and other crimes by deploying modern technology and scientific tactics.

The lawmakers observed that relying on conventional methods alone, like deployment of troops appeared not to be succeeding as terrorists continued to use non-conventional approaches in killing Nigerians and destroying their means of livelihood.

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