Afolabi-Brown Backs Actress, Iyabo Ojo Over Online Criticism

Posted by Samuel on Wed 03rd Jul, 2024 -

She sent a message of love and reassurance to Ojo, acknowledging that despite any perceived shortcomings, the actress is a woman with noble intentions.

Morayo Afolabi Brown, the Managing Director of TVC on entertainment, has expressed support for actress Iyabo Ojo.

She sent a message of love and reassurance to Ojo, acknowledging that despite any perceived shortcomings, the actress is a woman with noble intentions.

Her gesture comes at a time when Ojo has been facing public scrutiny and actions misinterpreted by some.

Her post reads: “@iyaboojofespris Girl, I don’t know you. Not sure we’ve ever met. Thought to send you a public note. We all need love and reassurance at times like these.

"Today, woman to woman, I’m sending you some love. All some of us see is a woman with noble intentions whose actions may have been misconstrued.

"Either way, no one is perfect, absolutely no one. No matter what this season looks like or sounds like, just know there are positive women worldwide, sending you love and kisses. You are enough.”


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