Wizkid’s Babymama, Jada P Replies Fan Asking About Their Marriage Plans

Posted by Thandiubani on Tue 02nd Jul, 2024 - tori.ng

A fan took to social media to question Wizkid's babymama when she will get married to the singer.

Wizkid‘s baby mama, Jada P has given a reply to an inquisitive fan.
The fan had asked when she will be getting married to Wizkid.
On the microblogging platform X, a fan @iamTMGtty asked: “When are we getting the Ring 💍 news”
Responding to a fan’s inquiry, Jada P stated that marriage is a marathon, not a race. She expressed her surprise at how many people are fixated on the topic.
Jada P also pointed out that many of those asking have no experience, knowledge, or understanding of what it takes to have a happy, healthy, and lasting marriage. She concluded by wishing them well.
In her words: “It’s a marathon not a race… It truly concerns me how many of you focus on this topic! A majority of u typing away don’t have the experience, knowledge or understanding of what it takes to have a happy, healthy & successful marriage that would last forever! I wish u all well tho!”
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