Sabinus Appreciates Burna Boy for Inviting Him to Open His London Show

Posted by Thandiubani on Tue 02nd Jul, 2024 -

Sabinus warmed up the crowd with hilarious jokes, generating lively laughter and applause before Burna Boy’s highly anticipated performance.

Nigerian comedian Sabinus has written an appreciation post to Burna Boy for allowing him crack jokes at his sold-out London show.
Burna Boy’s ‘I Told Them’ tour made history at the 80,000-capacity London Stadium, and videos on social media show Sabinus warming up the crowd with his comedy set before Burna Boy’s performance.
Sabinus warmed up the crowd with hilarious jokes, generating lively laughter and applause before Burna Boy’s highly anticipated performance.
On July 1, the comedian took to Twitter to share photos from his opening set, humbly describing it as the most significant moment of his career thus far.
He wrote …
“🙏🏿❤️ !!! Biggest 1 minute of my career !! Thanks Burna Boy 👦”
See photo below:
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