A Politician Slept With Me And Gave Me Only N3K - Influencer, Kelly Kosi (Video)

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 - tori.ng

She disclosed this while appearing as a guest on the “Honest Bunch” podcast co-hosted by the notable OAP, Nedu Wazobia and others.

Nigerian influencer, Kelly Kosi has narrated how she was given N3k by a politician after they had s3x.
She opened up when she appeared as a guest on the  “Honest Bunch” podcast co-hosted by the notable OAP, Nedu Wazobia and others.
The content creator said the politician took her from Asaba to Warri for a two-day encounter and paid a little sum of money.
Kosi, who chose not to name the politician, explained that she engaged in the act out of desperation, driven by hunger and a lack of money to eat.
Reactions From Kosi’s Revelation:
cruzzkitchen_1 wrote: “90% of female celebrities are into prostituti0n lowkey. I can name like 30 with evidence.”
darkskin_ayo tweeted: “This one is already casting her colleagues. We know say na politicians Dey sponsor most of these female Celebs norms.”
leeymackk noted: “True they say any girl who once belongs to the street have no shame. We have lost shame in the country.”
lil_maami said: “Lack of parental care will make you disgrace yourself on social media😭😭.”
Watch video below:
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