Blackout Looms As Explosion Rocks Zungeru Hydro Electricity Dam

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 -

The dam, which has yet to be officially commissioned by the Federal government, is the fourth hydroelectric dam in Niger state, following Jebba, Kainji, and Shiroro.

There was an explosion at the multimillion Naira Zungeru Hydro Electricity Dam in Niger State on Monday morning.

This recent explosion poses a potential threat of a widespread blackout.

The dam, which has yet to be officially commissioned by the Federal government, is the fourth hydroelectric dam in Niger state, following Jebba, Kainji, and Shiroro.

According to The Punch correspondent, the explosion occurred early this morning, though the cause remains unknown.

A reliable source from the area confirmed the incident, stating that several workers sustained various degrees of injuries.

They are currently receiving treatment at nearby hospitals, with those more seriously injured being transported to Minna, the state capital, for further medical care.

“We saw a foreign worker, a Chinese national, with severe injuries being taken to Minna for additional medical attention. While the exact number of injured staff is uncertain, it is significant,” the source reported.

In addition to the injuries, the explosion has reportedly damaged some installations at the dam. The broader impact on the nation’s power supply is still unclear.

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