It Would Be Dream Come True to Work With You on Set Again - Yul Edochie to Olu Jacobs

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 -

Yul prayed for more life, good health, joy, happiness, and blessings for Olu Jacobs, whom he described as one of the greatest actors in Africa.

Actor Yul Edochie has expressed his desire to work with legendary actor Olu Jacobs once again.
He was reacting following recent death rumours about the actor.
Yul prayed for more life, good health, joy, happiness, and blessings for Olu Jacobs, whom he described as one of the greatest actors in Africa.
He expressed his admiration and respect for the veteran actor, stating that he learned a lot from working with him on set.
Yul also expressed his desire to work with Olu Jacobs again, calling it a “dream come true.”
“More life to you Uncle @_olujacobs. You remain one of the greatest actors in the continent of Africa. I learnt so much from you while working with you on set.

“You’re loved, respected and appreciated. May God give you more life, good health, joy, happiness and blessings. It would be a dream come true to have you on set again. Amen”, he wrote.
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