Big Brother Naija Season 9 To Premiere In July

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 -

According to announcements on the show’s official page, potential housemates must audition with a partner, which could be a friend, family member, or romantic partner.

The 9th edition of the most anticipated reality show in Africa, Big Brother Naija is set to premiere in July.

The upcoming season will premiere in July, featuring a novel format that moves away from the traditional individual participation.

According to announcements on the show’s official page, potential housemates must audition with a partner, which could be a friend, family member, or romantic partner.

The show’s organizers have been teasing the new season on their Instagram page, urging fans to mark their calendars for a Sunday in July.

While they confirmed that the new season will launch in July, the exact date remains undisclosed.

It’s worth noting that auditions for season 9 began on March 27, 2024, with a twist requiring participants to apply in pairs.

The organizers stated, “This year, it’s a search for Dynamic Duos that love the show and can turn up the heat in Biggie’s house!”


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