NAF Helicopter Crashes in Kaduna

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 -

Eyewitness said the incident occurred at approximately 5:00 am, causing significant alarm among residents.


A helicopter belonging to the Nigerian Air Force has crashed.
The NAF helicopter crashed in the early hours of Monday in Tami village, located in the Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State.
Punch reported that eyewitness said the incident occurred at approximately 5:00 am, causing significant alarm among residents.
The helicopter said to be on a routine operational flight, experienced technical difficulties that led to the crash. Fortunately, the pilot managed to execute emergency protocols effectively, ensuring his survival.
Eyewitnesses at the scene reported that the pilot emerged from the wreckage largely unscathed.
Residents of Tami village quickly gathered at the crash site, offering assistance where possible and expressing relief that no lives were lost.

“We heard a loud noise and rushed to the scene. We were surprised and relieved to see the pilot alive,” said a local villager who witnessed the crash.
It was gathered that a team of military officers from the Nigerian Air Force swiftly arrived at the scene to secure the area and conduct an initial investigation.
They cordoned off the crash site to prevent unauthorised access and to ensure the safety of the villagers. The officers also began preliminary assessments to determine the cause of the crash, which remains unknown at this time.
As of the time of filling the report the Nigerian Air Force has not released an official statement regarding the incident, but an investigation is expected to be launched to ascertain the factors leading to the crash.
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