I’m Behind Verydarkman’s Arrest – Samklef

Posted by Thandiubani on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 - tori.ng

Reports were rife on Sunday that VDM was arrested, weeks after he was released.

Popular Nigerian music producer Samklef has revealed that he's the one that initiated the arrest of controversial critic Verydarkman, otherwise known as VDM.
This followed reports on Sunday that VDM was arrested, weeks after he was released.
He had been in and out of police custody since the beginning of this year, following his collisions with different Nigerian celebrities.
Reacting to Verydarkman’s latest arrest, Samklef wrote in a post on his Instagram page: “I’m behind Verydarkman’s arrest. I have a serious death threat case with him.

“Verydarkman has been arrested! Oya poor envy children make una go protest for una hero. I Samklef, is one of the people behind him being arrested! Don’t play! E needs extra cellcation.”
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