EFCC Officers Caught On Tape Assaulting Staff Of Lagos Hotel To Appear Before Disciplinary Panel

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 01st Jul, 2024 - tori.ng

They are billed to appear before the Team on Monday, July 1, 2024, at the Corporate Headquarters of the Commission, Abuja.

A disciplinary panel has been directed by Ola Olukoyede, the Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, to conduct a thorough probe into two officers of the Commission accused of assaulting a female staff of Regional Hotel, Ojo, Lagos.

The officers were sighted in a viral video assaulting the staff of the hotel in an early morning sting operation on Thursday,  June 27,  2024.

Olukoyede ordered the arrest of the two officers and directed them to appear before a joint Disciplinary Team comprising the Appointment, Promotion and Disciplinary Committee, APDC and the Department of Ethics and Integrity.  

They are billed to appear before the Team on Monday, July 1, 2024, at the Corporate Headquarters of the Commission, Abuja. The team would look into the case of the officers and recommend appropriate disciplinary measures to be taken against them.

Olukoyede stressed that no stone will be left unturned in getting the officers to account for their unprofessional conduct.

TORI had reported that the EFCC officials, dressed in plain clothes, were seen entering a hotel room forcefully. The video showed an unidentified woman, believed to be a hotel employee, attempting to open the door from inside when the men barged in. One of the officers is seen slapping the woman before ordering her out of the room.

This incident was recorded on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).  

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