How The Body Of A Missing 3-Year-Old Lagos Boy Was Found Inside A Soakaway

Posted by Samuel on Sun 30th Jun, 2024 -

The deceased was declared missing around 6pm on Saturday by his mother who claimed to have last seen him playing within the compound.


In what will come across as a really unfortunate development, the dead body of a missing 3-year-old boy has been reportedly found in an open soakaway in the Igando area of Lagos.

The deceased was declared missing around 6pm on Saturday by his mother who claimed to have last seen him playing within the compound.

Following his mother’s outcry a search party was organized by resident of the area.

However, the boy’s footprint was later traced to an area close to the open cesspit located within the premises.

It was learnt that further checks around the area led to the discovery of the boy’s corpse inside the pit.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the incident.

Hundeyin said the incident was reported at the station by the landlady of the property.

“Around 7pm today (Saturday), the landlady of the house in the Igando area of Lagos reported at the station via a telephone call that a 3-year-old boy fell into her uncovered soakaway pit.

“The scene of the incident was visited by detectives led by the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO). The corpse was removed and deposited at Mainland General Hospital, Yaba for autopsy. Investigation is ongoing,” he said.

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