6-year-old Girl Dies After Being Left In Hot Car By Mum's Boyfriend

Posted by Amarachi on Fri 28th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

The girl’s body temperature was recorded at 107.2 degrees Fahrenheit and she was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead later the same evening of May 20.

A 6-year-old girl has been confirmed dead after she was allegedly locked in a hot car by her mother’s boyfriend while he attended to work.

Markise Outing, 24, showed up at Southern Manatee Fire Department Station 2 in Bradenton, Florida, with the girl who was not breathing and possibly suffering cardiac arrest, according to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.

Outing told medics that she was his girlfriend’s child, and claimed that she over-heated while playing at a park, WWSB reported.

The girl’s body temperature was recorded at 107.2 degrees Fahrenheit and she was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead later the same evening of May 20.

However, on Tuesday, June 25, Outing was arrested and charged with aggravated manslaughter.

GPS data indicated that the girl was in Outing’s car in a parking lot outside of his workplace for a few hours instead of at a park, said investigators. Outing’s account of what happened also contained inconsistencies.

Investigators found that Outing picked up the girl from school and drove to his business car park around 2.45pm.

He is accused of leaving her inside the vehicle with the windows up, with the temperature inside hitting over 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

She died of extreme heat, according to her autopsy.

Outing has been booked into Manatee County Jail.

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