What I Love About Nigerians – SteffLondon

Posted by Thandiubani on Fri 28th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

The singer spoke during a recent interview with radio host ‘Henrieveill’ on Tuesday.

British Jamaican rapper Stephanie Victoria Allen, popularly known as SteffLondon has opened up on her love for Nigeria.
According to her, she loves Nigeria and its culture.
The singer disclosed this in an interview with radio host ‘Henrieveill’ on Tuesday.
When asked what she loved about Nigeria and its culture, she answered, saying: “Ooh, my gosh, there’s so many things, music, food. I like the people, the banter. They are so funny, very vibrant, and very colourful, like everything is in your face. It’s very loud. They remind me of Jamaicans but in a different way.”

She added: “I like your tradition; I feel like, as Jamaicans, we’ve been stripped of that. We’ve just got dancehall, good food and vibes. were just nice people, but we ain’t really got; the cultural aspect has been taken away from us.”
Recall that Steff had done a Nigerian-themed video that featured dances, Ankara and the use of Pidgin and Yoruba languages in her ‘Can’t Let You Go’ video.
In December 2022, the singer also hosted an Ankara-themed party for her birthday celebration.
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