EFCC Witch-Hunting Kwankwaso – NNPP

Posted by Thandiubani on Fri 28th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

NNPP said EFCC has no justification to commence investigation of Kwankwaso from 2015 to 2023 as a former Governor and leader of NNPP.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC has been accused of witchhunting former Kano State Governor, Dr Rabiu Kwankwaso.
A National Youth leader of the New Nigerian People’s Party, Auwal Musa‍ made the claim in a recent interview.
He told the News Agency of Nigeria on Thursday in Kaduna that the action was instigated by some political rivals to tarnish Kwankwaso’s image.
“I challenge EFCC to come out with facts on the allegations, otherwise, we consider it as an attempt to witch-hunt and victimise him,” he said.
The leader further argued that there was no justification for EFCC to commence investigation of Kwankwaso from 2015 to 2023 as a former Governor and leader of NNPP.
“Why did the EFCC wait this long to investigate him, nine years after leaving office and also why investigate party affairs,” Musa asked.
According to him, investigating an ‘honest and hardworking’ person like Kwankwaso will only amount to a waste of time.
“Go to Kano and see what he did as a governor, check his records as a Defence Minister, and a Senator,” he said.
Musa urged EFCC to disregard any petition written against Kwankwaso by any politician or any associate.
On NNPP crises, the youth leader said the party had resolved all its internal crises including the power tussle among its officers at the local, state and national levels.
“We have recently conducted elections into various offices in 13 states of the country successfully,” he said.
He added that the party had also made changes in its logo and structurally designed a method of campaign ahead of the 2027 elections.
“It is our hope that the NNPP will give a surprise outing and will win national and state seats in the coming elections.
“Nigerian youths are ready to make serious changes in the national political scene.
“We will take over the government and salvage this country from maladministration,” he said.
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