Papaya Ex has Been Ignoring Stundents Who Paid For Her Money Making Class - Tosin Silverdam Alleges (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

He blamed the gullibility of the ones who chose to pay her as he knew she had no certified degree which made her an authority on financial success.

Controversial blogger, Tosin Silverdam has taken a swipe at influencer, Papaya Ex after she was accused of ignoring her students after collecting the sum of N235k for her money making class.

He revealed that many netizens had reached out to him recently, asking that he talks to her due to her silence after receiving payment from a lot of interested participants.

Initially he did not plan to speak on the matter as he believes Papaya Ex did not force them to make payment.

However, one of his friends was unfortunately involved which was why he came online to call her out.

Tosin noted that she has not been responding to their messages after confirming payment even though she is actively online.

The influencer was also seen at Davido and Chioma’s wedding, presenting bundles of cash to the couple.

He blamed the gullibility of the ones who chose to pay her as he knew she had no certified degree which made her an authority on financial success.

Watch the video below;

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