BBNaija’s Recruitment Process Is Becoming Weak – Reality Star, Tayo Faniran Says

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

According to him, the show’s organisers are recruiting new stars too quickly and easily, unlike his time when it took him five years of auditioning to be selected.

Tayo Faniran, a former Big Brother Naija housemate, has voiced his dissatisfaction with the current recruitment process of the show.

According to him, the show’s organisers are recruiting new stars too quickly and easily, unlike his time when it took him five years of auditioning to be selected.

He feels that the current process has lowered the bar and allows anyone to become famous without merit, which he believes will harm future generations.

He wrote on his Insta story: “I didn’t like social media because I thought it watered down the value of fame.

“I auditioned for BBN in 2009 and I only made it in 2014, but today any dirty low life with a fruitless life can become popular on the tiny screens.

 “It’s such a shame when the bar becomes too low even a rat would jump it effortlessly.

“I am super upset this night, and to all you enablers of mediocrity, continue, you are only ruining the ground your future generations will dwell on.”

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