There’s More Money In Music Than Football – Portable Claims (Video)

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

He further claimed that singers make more money than ritualists and fraudsters.

Habeeb Okikiola, the highly controversial Nigerian singer, who is popularly known as Portable, has joined the debate on who earns more between musicians and footballers.

According to the ‘Zazu’ crooner, musicians earn far more than soccer stars.

He further claimed that singers make more money than ritualists and fraudsters.

Portable spoke in a video message shared via his social media page recently.

He said, “Music money is bigger than football money. Music is business. Musicians earn more than ritualists and fraudsters. Apple Music revenue is huge. Footballers can’t compete.

“People saying footballers earn more than musicians don’t know what they are saying. Musicians are at the top.”

Watch the video:

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