No Request For Presidential Jet Before Senate - Bamidele

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

The Senate leader stated that some fifth columnist elements were dishing out propaganda to the public about the Senate as regards the purchase of new aircraft for the presidential fleet.

Opeyemi Bamidele

Senate majority leader, Opeyemi Bamidele has disclosed that no request regarding the approval of the purchase of a new presidential jet, was brought before the Senate.

The lawmaker stated this on Thursday during plenary amidst the contentions generated by reports that the federal government is considering purchasing new presidential jets for the use of President Bola Tinubu and Vice President Kashim Shettima.

The Senate leader stated that some fifth columnist elements were dishing out propaganda to the public about the Senate as regards the purchase of new aircraft for the presidential fleet.

The House of Representatives had recommended the purchase of two new presidential aircrafts for the use of President Tinubu and Vice President Shettima. The recommendation was put forward by the House of Representatives Committee on National Security and Intelligence.

According to the lawmakers, there is a need to acquire the new presidential aircrafts for security reasons and the cost of maintenance associated with the current Presidential Air Fleet (PAF).

The legislators suggest that the expenses associated with upkeeping President Tinubu’s 19-year-old plane are substantial, resulting in extended aircraft grounding periods and increased operational costs for the fleet.

Following the emergence of the report, several stakeholders had voiced concern over plans to expend such huge amounts amidst the current economic challenges the country is facing.

On his part, the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate in the 2023 election, Peter Obi, berated the Federal Government over the move to acquire new jets, describing it as the height of insensitivity and shamelessness.

However, in a swift response, the Presidency described Obi’s comment as insensitive, wondering if he would rather have the life of the President jeopardised by flying faulty aircraft.

Subsequent reports claimed the Nigerian government has signalled its intention for the cost of the new presidential jets to be included in the 2024 supplementary budget.

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