BREAKING: Reps In Rowdy Session Over 2023 Budget Extension

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

In the letter read by the Speaker, Abbas Tajudeen, Tinubu said the extension is critical to ensure that the government completes some of the projects in the two budgets.

On Thursday, the House of Representatives erupted into chaos following President Bola Tinubu's proposal to extend the capital component of the 2023 Appropriation Act and the Supplementary Appropriation Act until December 31st, 2024.

In the letter read by the Speaker, Abbas Tajudeen, Tinubu said the extension is critical to ensure that the government completes some of the projects in the two budgets.

Tinubu seeks the extension of the two budgets until 31 December to allow for a full implementation of the law.

However, Tinubu’s call caused a division within the lawmakers with opposition lawmakers rejecting the suggestion.

The opposition forced the lawmakers into a rowdy session following loud booing from members.

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