Abia Govt Issues Ultimatum To Street Traders To Vacate Aba, Umuahia Roads

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

This warning was issued in a declaration on Thursday by Izuchukwu Onwughara, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Works, on behalf of Otumchere Oti, the Commissioner.

Street vendors within Abia State, particularly those operating on newly paved roads in Aba and Umuahia, have been given untll July 1st to vacate the area or face severe penalties.

This warning was issued in a declaration on Thursday by Izuchukwu Onwughara, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Works, on behalf of Otumchere Oti, the Commissioner.

Additionally, the government expressed disapproval of mechanics who have turned sections of the roads into their workshops and promised to take strict action against anyone whose actions threaten the durability of the roads.

The statement made available to journalists in Umuahia read: “Government is by this announcement reminding the general public that transacting business on the newly constructed and reconstruction roads in the state, and other unwholesome activities like dumping of refuse into the drainage, channelling of borehole and sewage water to the asphalted roads, and mechanics repairing vehicles along the roads are prohibited. Such activities will no longer be tolerated as they are detrimental to the life span of the roads.

“Consequently, the government is warning the defaulters to stop forthwith and those who display their wares on the asphalted pavement, particularly at Owerri Road in Umuahia, kenth Road, Jubilee Road, Ngwa Road, Port Harcourt Road, Obioha Road, and Enugu Port Harcourt Expressway by Ariaria Market Junction all in Aba, to vacate the roads within seven days of this announcement or be prepared to dance the rhythm of the long arms of the law.”

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