Emirate Tussle: Flag Of Authority Hoisted At Aminu Ado Bayero’s Mini Palace

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

It is often raised every day by 6am and taken down by 6pm and remains down when the emir is officially outside the palace or travels.

In the midst of the ongoing Kano emirate tussle, traditional and official flags have been hoisted at the Nassarawa mini palace which the 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero currently occupies.

Daily Post reports that the flag signifies the presence of an emir once raised and it’s also a symbol of authority.

It is often raised every day by 6am and taken down by 6pm and remains down when the emir is officially outside the palace or travels.

The flag was set up early Wednesday morning with the iron rod but the flag was brought later in the evening. Finally, it was raised by 6 am on Thursday.

DAILY POST reports that the two embattled emirs, Aminu Ado Bayero and Muhammadu Sanusi II are still observing and exercising all traditional rites in their various palaces as they clinch tightly to the Kano Emirate throne.

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